Court Clerk

Grant County Court Clerk

Adrienne Hembree
Court Clerk
Adrienne Hembree
Adrienne Hembree
Court Clerk

Court Clerk

The primary responsibilities of the Court Clerk are to record, file, and maintain the proceedings of the District Court and to maintain books such as trial dockets, case files, and journals useful for locating past court proceedings. The Court Clerk keeps summaries of court actions in an appearance docket; maintains case files; collects court fees, fines, costs, assessments, and forfeitures; and distributes or expends collected monies.

The Court Clerk issues legal warrants including subpoenas, orders, processes, and writs as allowed by statute. The Court Clerk is also responsible for issuing marriage licenses and beer, pool hall, and other county licenses.

The Court Clerk keeps records of all jurors and witnesses in the District Court. If required, the Court Clerk acts as custodian of the County Law Library. The Court Clerk works with the County Sheriff’s office in delivering process warrants.

The Court Clerk is authorized to administer oaths such as oaths from County Commissioners in condemnation cases .

The Court Clerk must also make regular reports and provide statistical and other information to the Board of County Commissioners, to the Administrative Office of the Courts, and to the various entities for which the Court Clerk collects fees. Various monthly, quarterly, and annual reports are required.

The Court Clerk has court files and documents commencing from the early 1900’s to the current time. All court records, excluding Juvenile, Mental Health and Adoption records are available for public inspection.

Court files, documents and other information can be found on the internet at This free web site offers extensive case information.

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Some content may be extracted from OSU Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet AGEC-802 and/or the County Training Program website. More complete information is available from these sources.