County Sheriff

Grant County Sheriff's Office

Tim Irvin
Tim Irvin
Tim Irvin
Keith Siragusa
Keith Siragusa
Keith Siragusa

County Sheriff

The County Sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer responsible for preserving the peace and protecting life and property in the county. The County Sheriff apprehends persons charged with criminal activity; operates the county jail; serves warrants and process papers of the District Court and other lawful authorities; handles various nuisances or dangers to the public; and handles safety matters. The County Sheriff may also assist the state in housing state prisoners.

Grant County Sheriff's Office is located directly east of the Grant County Oklahoma Courthouse on First Street in Medford, Oklahoma. The building built in 1937 houses the offices of the sheriff, deputies, the Sheriff's Office dispatch center, and a 39 bed jail.

Some content may be extracted from OSU Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet AGEC-802 and/or the County Training Program website. More complete information is available from these sources.
